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Saturday, February 24, 2012 Feeling down, sick or low on energy? Under Stress? DIAGNOSIS - SLEEP DISORDERS. This can be a complex situation when dealing with children, especially when they sleep with their parents. There are a lot of natural and organic things you can do to help and soothe your loved ones. Wear beautiful clothes, keep your own bedroom clean, don't smoke or drink, get a good night's rest and have a healthy diet. You'll find in this article some of the top sleep disorders, their symptoms and how you can help your loved ones cope with them. · The first thing you need to do is get a medical diagnosis. If your child is diagnosed with any of these disorders, you need to know exactly what's going on and seek professional help as soon as possible. · Your child could have a medical condition, such as seasonal allergies or anemia, which can affect sleep patterns. · If your child is worried about something, take note of this. Never make your child feel guilty or worry about him or her. If your child is having problems sleeping, keep an eye out for certain behaviours such as pacing the house, talking to himself or herself, covering his or her head or getting overly emotional. · Take note of the child's mood during the day, too. You may notice that he or she is cranky, anxious, withdrawn or depressed, and when you try to get them to talk, it is hard to understand them. If your child is having difficulty concentrating, don't worry, he or she may just have a low-grade fever. · If your child is being bullied at school, talk to the principal or even the teachers. If you feel the school isn't dealing with the situation, you need to talk to the headmaster or headmistress. They may be able to help your child. · There are many things you can do to help your child. You can encourage exercise, such as taking the dog for a walk, or giving your child a bath, and you can also help him or her find a hobby. · Your child needs a lot of attention and care, especially at bedtime. Your child should be offered something nice to eat and something nice to drink before he or she goes to bed. Make sure your child gets plenty of time to wind down and relax. Sleeping pills are often used to help children be359ba680

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